Set Up

Setting up a new bot can be challenging, so we've created a step-by-step guide to help you easily set up Cyberblox.

Connecting Your Roblox Group to Your Discord Server

Linking your Roblox Group to your Discord server may seem difficult, but it's actually very easy. Our streamlined process ensures a smooth setup.

To link your Roblox Group to your Discord server, simply type the command /setup. Once you run this command Cyberblox will begin the setup process. It is important to make sure that Cyberblox has the Send Messages, Manage Roles, and Manage Nicknames permissions.

If you are unsure on how to grant Cyberblox these permissions please refer to our Permissions Guide.

Once you make sure Cyberblox has the appropriate permissions you will be prompted to select your servers Verification Type.

There are two different options that you can select:


Verification Only

This option requires no Roblox group but insures that your members will still be verified.

Link Group

This option requires a Roblox group and will give your members their group roles upon verifying.

If you selected Link Group please continue. If you selected Verification Only please click here.

Entering a Group ID

If you choose the option to Link your Group you will need to get your Roblox Group ID. You can do this multiple different ways. If you are unsure on how to get your Group ID please refer to our guide.

Group Roles

Now it's time to link your Group's roles to your Discord server. There are many different options you can select.

If you are setting up a brand new Discord Server we recommend the Purge Roles option. If you are setting up an existing Discord Server we recommend the Merge Roles option. Please refer the the table below to fully understand what each option does.

The Various Update Role Options


Purge Roles

Delete all the existing roles on the server and create new ones based on your group's roles.

Merge Roles

Integrate the new roles with your existing roles.

Don't Change Roles

Do not change the roles. This will prevent the creation of new roles,

verification and role updates will not function.

Automatic Verification

Automatic Verification can either be enabled or disabled depending on your preferences. If you enable automatic verification members will automatically be verified upon joining your Discord Server. If you disable automatic verification members will not automatically be verified upon joining your Discord Server.

Nickname Template

There are many different Nickname Templates for you to choose from. Here is a list of all of them.



Displays a members Roblox Username. - (Recommended)


Displays a members Roblox ID.


This will not change a users nickname.

Completing the Setup Process

Make sure to review all of the settings you chose during the set up process. Once you verify all of them are correct press the Finished Button.

Cyberblox may take sometime to setup your server. If you run into any issues please contact our support team.

Congratulations you just setup your server to use Cyberblox! If you need help with anything please contact our support team! Were always happy to help!

Additional Features

Documentation Reguarding Additional Features Coming Soon!

Last updated

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